UN, AU urges security transfer not to imperil Somali peace efforts
Xinhua,April 02, 2018 Adjust font size:
MOGADISHU, April 2 (Xinhua) -- The African Union and UN special envoys on funding consultations have called for a gradual shift of security responsibilities from AU troops to the Somali security forces, the AU mission said on Monday.
Ramtane Lamamra and Jean-Marie Guehenno, special envoys from the AU and the UN respectively who visited Mogadishu on Sunday to discuss sustainable funding to peace operations in Somalia said the transfer of security duties should be carried out without reversing the progress already made in securing the country.
"It is very important that gradual shift from AMISOM to the Somali authorities happens in a way that doesn't jeopardize all the efforts that have been made so far," said UN Envoy Guehenno said in a statement issued in Mogadishu.
Guehenno noted the presence of a multiplicity of actors who are supporting security and peacebuilding programs in Somalia and highlighted their importance towards the achievement of sustainable peace.
"In the coming phase, the coordination between all these actors is more important than ever and it is of course a very sensitive issue," he said.
AMISOM has developed conditions-based transition plan to transfer the national security responsibility from the AU troops to the Somali security forces.
The envoys' assessment visit to Somalia is part of ongoing consultations on peace support operations for AMISOM, spearheaded by the African Union and the UN.
While in Mogadishu, the two special envoys who held talks with Somalia president and the prime minister said their discussions focused on achieving a smooth transition of the security responsibility from AMISOM to the Somali security forces.
Francisco Madeira, the AU Special Representative for Somalia, expressed concern that unpredictable funding to AMISOM may have far-reaching implications on Somalia.
"It is no longer an issue of charity. Supporting SNA or AMISOM is not charity at all. Success of security in Somalia, in all its aspects, is success for everything, including international business," Madeira said.
Upon completion of their assessment, the envoys will submit a report, which will inform decisions of the AU Commission and the UN, on the level of funding and provision of logistical support to AMISOM. Enditem