Hungarian authorities transfer to Ukraine ten migrants flying in illegally
Xinhua,January 20, 2018 Adjust font size:
BUDAPEST, Jan. 19. (Xinhua) -- Ten migrants, eight Vietnamese and two Afghan, who flew into Hungary illegally on Monday with an An-2 airplane were given to Ukrainian authorities at the Hungarian-Ukrainian border post of Beregsurany (eastern Hungary) on Friday, Hungarian News Agency MTI reported.
"They were eleven migrants originally, but one of them, an Afghan citizen, issued a demand for asylum from Hungarian authorities, he was therefore escorted to the temporary border transit zone," spokeswoman Rita Fedor for Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg County Police explained, quoted by MTI.
The others have been returned to Ukraine in the frame of the agreement between the European community and Ukraine.
The small An-2 aircraft, registered in Ukraine, was discovered by an off-duty police officer on Monday evening when the plane was preparing its descent in Kallosemjen (eastern Hungary). It landed on a field and was unable to take off again. The migrants have been found in the surroundings. But the pilot is still missing. The police is searching for him.
Fedor explained that the migrants did not know where they were: they merely wanted to go to Western Europe, and since the plane came from Ukraine, that is why they were taken back there.
The plane has been dismantled and confiscated. Enditem