China donates 5 mln USD to WFP's school feeding program in NE Uganda
Xinhua,December 15, 2017 Adjust font size:
KAMPALA, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) -- China has contributed five million U.S. dollars to the UN World Food Program (WFP) school feeding program in the semi-arid Karamoja region in northeastern Uganda.
WFP Country Director El-Khidir Daloum on Friday said the donation from China will boost the school feeding program, which helps boost enrolment, enable children to finish school and make learning easier in the region.
The contribution will also fill major funding gaps in a program that treats acute malnutrition and another that prevents stunting.
"WFP has faced major funding shortfalls for its work in Karamoja in recent years, which forced the organization to reduce rations in school feeding every now and then and to completely stop the asset-creation program mid this year. However, China recently made a generous contribution of five million dollars," said Daloum.
He said the Asian country is an important new donor to the WFP in Uganda for its humanitarian work. Enditem